Policies / Council Documents

Standing Orders

The rules by which all council business is conducted, governing all council and committee meetings, minutes and accounting. 

Financial Regulations

Describes how the Clerk, as the Responsible Finance Officer, keeps the council's finances in order and prepares accounts. 

Code of Conduct

Guidelines by which councillors are expected to conduct themselves in their dealings with each other, with council staff and the community. 

Freedom of Information 

Describes how a Freedom of Information request can be submitted to the council. 

Publication Scheme

Details the information that can be obtained from the council and, if applicable, any associated fees that may apply. 

Training & Development Policy

Details the council's policy for the training of council members and staff. 

Complaints Policy

Describes how a complaint against the council's procedures and administration can be submitted and processed.

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use, store and protect your personal data. Our Privacy Policy also sets out clear information about your rights in relation to your personal data.