
All 15 Parish Councillors sit on the Full Parish Council (Chairperson Cllr M Elliott, Vice-Chair Cllr S Smith) in addition all 15 members sit on one or more of the committees as outlined below. There are 3 main Committees with 8 members on each.

In addition to the 3 main Committees there is a Newsletter Editorial Group. 

General Purposes Committee

The General Purposes Committee (Chairperson Cllr G Davis) takes on responsibility for 2 Burial Grounds; William Layne Reading Room; Parish Hall improvements and maintenance; grants to local organisations; and items pertaining to general administration.

G B Davis    (Chairperson)
D A Knowles (Vice Chairperson)
M Elliott (PC Chairperson)
S Allen
W Mawson
S Smith

Events and Recreation Committee

The Events and Recreation Committee (Chairperson Cllr R Taylor) takes on responsibility for 6 recreation grounds/parks (including play areas and football pitches); bowling green; allotments and garage sites; provision for young people; plus bonfire; competitions; Christmas decorations and the floral displays across the Parish.

R P Taylor (Chairperson)
P Davis   (Vice Chairperson)
M Elliott (PC Chairperson)
P Amrith
B A Bartholomew
S Forster
D H Gee
J Peech
H Ratcliffe


Finance and Employment Committee

The Finance and Employment Committee (Chairperson Cllr D Gee) is responsible for Parish Council finance including ongoing monitoring of expenditure and overview of Audit requirements, plus all employment related issues including pay, conditions of service and training etc.

D Gee (Chairperson)
J Peech (Vice Chairperson)
M Elliott (PC Chairperson)
B A Bartholomew 
G B Davis
D A Knowles
S Smith
R P Taylor